What to do? What to do?? I never thought I would say this but I am... I have no clue what to do with all my free time! I have worked 30 to 40 hours every week since I was like 18 and now I sit at home alone from 8-5. So I decided I was going to do wife things like: cook, clean, laundry, shopping, etc. Well that worked for one day. When you house is small enough to completely clean in 1 hour, and laundry only needs done once a week, and its much too hot to bake, and 2 people can only eat so much food it kinda leaves you doing nothing! So I'm calling out to all the house wives..... What do you do to fill your time? All of you mothers reading this are probably slapping your forehead's wondering what is wrong with me but it's true. One of this days I'll look back at this time and long to have these days to live again but for now I'll blog!!